Restaurant Info.→(Maison De La Trufffe )
Restaurant Info.→(Maison De La Trufffe )
Restaurant Information⇒(LES TABLETTES Jean-Louis Nomicos )
パリで最後のdinner~. 前倒しで祝った結婚記念日lunch(J/LeJulesVerne)の引き続き、結婚記念日dinnerでパリで最後の夜を締めくくった。
このレストランを選んだ理由は、ミシュラン★一個付きと、こっちのシェフがAlain Ducasseの元で修行なさった、Alain Ducasseスタイルが好きなので、来てみました~
To dear hubby:
It's amazing how quickly time passes. Thank you for filling every minute of those 15 years with love and unforgettable moments. your love&kindness guide me to be ''strong''
and brave
that's why I could continue taking this long journey with you.(ha ha ha~~~)
日曜日は殆どの店が休みなので、最近パリのニュー観光スポット→(Fondation Louis Vuitton )←に行ってみた~
何時間待ちか?も分からないので、どうせ興味あるのは、建物だけなので、外観の写真を撮って、さっさと退散~ Sunday Brunchに行った。
Restaurant Information ⇒ (J/LeJulesVerne )
Alain DucasseがプロデュースしてるLeJulesVerneを選びました。エッフェル塔に登れるし、兼食事で一石二鳥でしょう!(笑)
パリでの第一食目はAndre Chiangが投資したPorte12に行ってみた!SGのRestaurant Andreには凄く印象悪く感じた! (溜息~)コーヒー一杯をどんだけ待たされたか!?それに、帰りにサービスマネジャーさんにクレームしたら、凄く心外な返事でまた驚いたわ!He said: Sorry,We don't have a high tech to make a cup of coffee quickly
それはそれは。。。。。Fine dining はコーヒー一杯だけでお客さんに2回も催促された事自体は恥ずかしいと思えよ~流れを察しながらサーブするんだよ!同じくSGのFine Dining⇒(Waku Ghin )を見習えよ~ 唯一理解出来たのは、当時ニューオープンして約9か月で、色々軌道にまだ乗ってなかった!
正直、Porte12を選んだのは、5月1日は殆どの店が休み、チョイスが少ないから、それにAndre Chiangが最近台北の新しいレストランでのご活躍がFBで大賑やか、Porte12は同じようなスタイルの店なので、せっかくパリに来たから、行ってみようかな?と。。。。。シェフは別の人だけど、一皿一皿がAndre Chiangの面影を感じたわ!
しかし、グッドホスピタリティで、まず好印象を受けたわ!値段も合理的だし、Fine Diningの目線から見ない方が良い!期待以上だったので、凄く来て良かったわ!
(Le Cinq@ Four Seasons Paris ) ← Restaurant Info.
Truly memorable evening with Le Cinq!
We came here for our wedding anniversary. When I made a reservation,I was surprised at how promptly they reply for my e-mail and so impressed by the efficiency with they handled all details. After have experienced at Le Cinq. I think~...couldn't even compare this wonderful experience with anything else. The service was impeccable with everything. When a garcon told me '' If I can do everything for you,it'll be my pleasure''. It's really a topnotch hospitality which made me nearly cry!! We also enjoyed all garcons & sommelier's humor while serving us.
They do keep every good interaction with diners,that make you feel very relaxed. We took about 4 hrs to finish our dinner,but....we didn't get bored with staying there. Of course,all the dishes were amazing & beautifully presented.
I just can't describe how superbi it is in just many words.
Definitely an amazing dinner that shouldn't be missed while visiting Paris.
Before we'd said good-bye to their chief manager(I suppose he is)we commented how much we enjoyed tonight and deeply appreciated their kindness that they did make a truly memorable anniversary for us,we really really enjoyed too much!! Once again....his words impressed on my memory,he said:''there is nothing too much in our life,we just enjoy it.'' Wow~~will definitely come back and recommend to anyone who is going to Paris. (just my personal opinion..probably I like Le Cinq more than Epcuire)
(Epicure@ Le Bristol Paris) ← Restaurant Info.
I made my reservation two months in advance. Fortunately,we got a table easily. You may wonder whether it is a real struggle to get a table at Epicure,nobody knows....but,it was fully booked on the day we went.
After have experienced at Epicure,I totally agreed why they won the honor of three Michelin stars.
I think I don't need to talk about how impressive & splendid all the dishes that I had. Every mouthful was a lovely journey with Epicure. Every dish is impeccable,absolutely topnotch.
What I appreciate the most is the service. Garcons are attentive and courteous,they made us feel extremely relaxed and welcome,we enjoyed their jokes,too. From the moment we sat down we were treated with five stars service through the entire meal. We totally spent 4.5 hrs to finish all on the day! But,the service wasn't let you get bored with staying long time. You were never waiting for anything for long. Usually I can't endure more than three hrs to have a meal,for my know~ I'm not as physically active as I used to be.
Overall,a fantastic lunch time and we'd highly recommend to anyone who is looking for a classy restaurant with a great garden view. Of course! It's pricey...but,it's really worth every penny.
(Da Rosa )← Restaurant Info.
(Cafe Pounchkine ) ←Restaurant Info.
弾丸ツアーだから、朝っぱらからPrintempsでSweetsをエネルギーチャージした。。。。開店と当時に入った。。。早く行って良かったな~と思った。カウンター席しかなく、約15分経ったら、徐々にお客が入ってきて、もうちょっと遅かったら、店内の飲食はQ upしないといけない。。。。 パティシエ世界チャンピオンの名は凄い~~
お見事~~~~ 食べたいのは一杯あるけど、そんなお腹が無かった。。。
すごいフレンドリーなお店、来てみて良かった~~。写真を撮ってもいいですか?と尋ねたら、凄く快くOf Course,please....って言ってくれた。英語も分かりやすかったし、オイスターの注文は、戸惑ってたら、説明もしてくれたし、初日から好調なスタートで安心した~~。(というか、12年ぶりに来たんだけど、前回は嫌な思いは一つもしなかったし、イギリスと大違い、ヨーロッパの経済に貢献するなら、フランスに来るべし!)
(ANGELINA Paris) ← Restaurant Info.
Coco Chanelが愛してたTea Roomらしい~。。。