

→ (Restaurant Info )←












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→ (My humble house) ←Restaurant Information


→...Branch....(My humble house Tokyo) ← I wish someone would take me to here









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→ 松發肉骨茶 ← (Information)



色んなBak Kut Tehの宗派があるけど、それぞれの支持者がいる。。。。。こちらは夫婦共通に美味しい、また遊びに来られたら、また食べたいと思った一軒!!








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→ 同樂海鮮← (Restaurant Info)



全部美味しかったわ~~~この小さい島はやっぱり中華の天国だね~ 。。。。









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 → ESQUINA ← Restaurant Info 

 My dear friend~~~once again,I apologized to you for not going to that Michelin restaurant. So sorry for sudden cancellation. I'm in fine condition both physically and mentally now,let's go together whenever.  


We had an alternative,the timing was good! World Goumet Series Awards 2013 was held.


We're so much satisfied with all dishes~~ and reckon it's worth coming.








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→ 美芝律大蝦麺 ← Restaurant Info


Everyone says ''MUST TRY''~~~ That's why we came here!!










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→ La Villa ← Restaurant Info


レストランの駐車場からこのコンドミニアムが見えた。。。。噂ではJackie Chanがここのコンドを買ったらしい。。。











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   → (The tastings room) ← Restaurant Info









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 I'd arranged a family gathering before I went back my sweet home.

Actually,it was a multi-tasking gathering.

Firstly,I do appreciate two my aunties helped us to tide over the difficulties during that few days.

Secondly,I wish my dearest uncle a happy birthday. Wish you a helthy & wealthy life in your ''Sixties'' 

Thirdly, with best wishes for a new couple. We'll in our ''Sunday best'' for your wedding party. Look forward to it... 

Fourthly, my parents~may you live a long and happy life. youngest brtoher was late for about a hour.('cos stuck in a traffic jam) Well~~~ I wish you luck for everything.

Lastly,my aunty wish me dreams come true~. My dreams??? Oh!! I wish I'd have a glamorous body.(funny ha-ha)




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 → (同樂品味) ← Restaurant Info









 7.S.Duck W H. sauce



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  → (威南記鷄飯

We're not very particular about chicken rice,just wanted to have a try. Um,I'm not sure how to judge it.... Not bad,but....not as excellent as I'd expected.





1. White Chicken(half)


2. Tow Miao



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→ (Yakiniku Yazawa)


First shot this year,started with a pink ball.









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→ (店の情報










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  →(La Maison Fatien


いい感じなお店、味も良かったし。。。 Good choice!! 楽しいランチタイムでした~~








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 → (歐南園亞華肉骨茶


At last we're here!







with lots of pictures on the menu~helpful to foreigners

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