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Had a cosy chat with friends.... 楽しかった~~~~~ 良いレストラン!まだまだ未知の世界が一杯あるんだね! この小さい島って凄すぎや~












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 (FLEUR DE SEL ) ← Restaurant Info.



最近このエリアに本当にご縁があるな~ ランチなのに、凄く丁寧にお客さんを扱う所に感動した!Alain Ducasseの元で働いてた経験もあるから、何となく。。。。ミシュランレストラン気分!今回は自分でもびっくりしたのは、チョコ好きではないのに、ここのチョコデザートはスプーンが進むな~、 止まらなかった~~~。70%のココアなので、ピュアな味を100%エンジョイ出来た!本当に美味しかったわ!なのに、値段設定が本当に謙虚すぎ。。。。もうちょっと払っても良いと思った!  儲かるのかな?と密かに心配してあげたわ!










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Brasserie Gavroche )←Restaurant Info.













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→ (The ASCOT ) ← Restaurant Ifno.



 British Food!!











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 → ESQUINA ← Restaurant Info 

 My dear friend~~~once again,I apologized to you for not going to that Michelin restaurant. So sorry for sudden cancellation. I'm in fine condition both physically and mentally now,let's go together whenever.  


We had an alternative,the timing was good! World Goumet Series Awards 2013 was held.


We're so much satisfied with all dishes~~ and reckon it's worth coming.








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   → (The tastings room) ← Restaurant Info









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  →(La Maison Fatien


いい感じなお店、味も良かったし。。。 Good choice!! 楽しいランチタイムでした~~








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→ (Restaurant's HP



一所懸命食べた~ Used up all the vouchers 外れ一個も無く、全部美味しかった~~~








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We came here just for using up our voucher,before we came....we hadn't had any expectations.


Well.....we may not come back again,but....we don't deny that was an interesting experience. A word of advice~~Don't wear any rings to come here unless you don't care about getting fishy smell.


BTW,all the staff here are super friendly and attentive. 素晴らしい~~~~





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→ (Restaurant's HP)








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→ (Restaurant's HP


We had its promotion of set lunch...3 for 1 (best value for money)


It was a wonderful gathering.







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taratata Bistrot ←(HP)








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Absinthe  ← (HP)










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Private Affairs^^ (HP)








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Asia's Top 1 








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 Equinox (HP)








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1 Altitude-Stellar (HP)


1-Altitude-Stellar situated on the top of the OUB centre(level 62). Googled some information about this restaurant and then knew.....officially,Stellar is the highest restaurant in Singapore. Stellar situated at a height of 282m and UOB Plaza came second that situated at a height of 280m. And then,.......Equinox restaurant came third--226m. I was wondering skypark at MBS just came fourth---200m.

Anyway,let's forget about how high they are!!

I heard Stellar serves modern cuisine but,didn't expect the sushi & sashimi menu provided here. I should admit that we're sashimi-aholic and.....,we were unable to resist to order the sashimi on that day!! Fortunately,the sashimi that we ordered wasn't bad,it's quite surprising!!

Overall,we enjoyed the dinner on that day. Especially,we were given the best seat at whole restaurant. LUCKY!! But,....just I found their staff are not well-trained enough,we needed to pour the water by ourselves even they'd noticed of that,but.....just pretended nothing had happened!! Well,once again,I shouldn't ask for decent service in this country!! ''Be it an experience'' that's my conclusion.






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Dinner with my friend at Bistro Petit Salut

Let's come here for lunch again.




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This restaurant was hosting the private lunch for us.

(I am joking) We were the only  ''two'' diners during the lunch time on that day!!!

What on earth is the matter here?????????????????????????????????????????

Well~~~, the food here was not bad,but not worth making a special try! You may just drop into here on the way to Bukit Timah.

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